
Artificial Expression (Week 1)

So this is the first time I’ve posted in a blog. Pretty exciting! Anyways, I was thrilled with the response that the class gave to DARCI during our first week of class. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect. I was worried that maybe people would be upset, thinking that we were trying to replace human artists or something. Obviously that is impossible, since one of the main purposes of art is to act as a medium for people to express themselves—at least that’s the way I see it. Which leads to an interesting question: can a computer express itself with art, and if so, what is the value? I'm going to ponder this question now.


  1. first off, i love the name of this blog. secondly, since we are supposed to post, could you invited us to be contributors?
    lastly, the question "can a computer express itself with art, and if so, what is the value?" is so interesting. i think i'll ponder it as well...

  2. Can a computer express itself with art? the answer i believe is yes - computer generation of fractal images is the one that first comes to mind - it can create from what it experiences - since it experiences 1's and 0's and is run on laws of math and logic - it can create such art - I think the question "What is the value?" is very interesting - art is many things to many people and so this question is worth pondering - I'm looking forward to following this blog - good luck
