

The concept behind DARCI has been fascinating. I have been dwelling on a certain question about the way in which DARCI is learning. Language is a complicated area. We are influenced in many ways in how we communicate and when we feed DARCI adjectives I wonder how accurate her perceptions will be in the end. If one were to look at a work of art and feed DARCI adjectives and then individual comes to the site and see the same picture but has just been in a horrible argument and feel angry or their day has been unhappy, how will that affect the process in her learning? Is that the end goal for her vocabulary is to grow by feeding her different words that have emotional responses attached? (that can change how one would view or describe a work of art, I think)

Joe also asked us to contribute, via the blog, what we feel needs to be present in the process of creating a work of art. We sometimes feel that we have to be singular in approach (i.e. it is all centered around our own ideas and no one else.) Yet as I have gone through school I found that you are hindering your possibilities by secluding outside forces. There are many ways to view having input. One could look at higher power, a fellow classmate, an instructor, an individual that is simply coming to view your art, etc. How open are we to new ideas?

Also, what about what we like to call in the art community 'happy accidents'? Do we always embrace them and allow them to guide our initial direction into a new direction? I guess with all of these ideas the question really comes down to: Do we need to have so much control? I am sure as the semester goes on I will realize more and then update, but for now it is some food for thought for us as artist and also as DARCI is progressing towards her end goal of creation her own art.

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