
I Can Control My Heart Beat

Brian, I can control my heart beat. On a drizzly spring afternoon a few years ago, I was receiving a physical. I can remember the metallic cold of the stethoscope caress my back and chest. Then the doctor tested my heart rate. Because the physical was one of the athletic team sort, she had me run in place. After two minutes of running in place she tested my heart rate again. To her surprise, as well as mine, my heart rate had dropped. "What?" you say. Running would make your heart rate increase, not decrease. Well this is what happened. For years I had been running thirty to forty miles a week. Then I stopped. I hadn't run much in about six months. Luckily my body still had muscle memory. When my heart rate was supposed to raise, the training I had submitted my body to kicked in, and I slowed my heart instead. So you see, I can control the beat of my heart.

I rely on certain words, composed in a certain order, to connect with the reader and pull their interest in. Some people call these words the title. I also rely heavily on the reader having experienced a trip to the Doctor. This helps the reader connect to my story through their own experience. Without these connections the reader will lose interest in this story. The art of creating is not so much about slapping paint, or words onto an empty canvas. It is about communicating the creators intent. Creating is an attempt at communication through conditioned responses. The artist, writer, or scientist is trying to convey their thoughts by manipulating the viewers previous experience.


  1. As a fellow runner, triathlete and sports participant, I LOVED THIS! It's amazing how our mind can REALLY take over in positive or negative ways it is demonstrated in our bodies: health, how we handle stress,etc. how we create what is surronding us, or what we do or don't do with it. Hmmm.. so my semi-messy room-where-I-know-where-everything-is... is my creation of my 'busy' life, but also shows that I'm a visual person?? ;) I like things neat and clean, orderly, but I like a little mess too--it's comfortable, livable, real.

  2. "communicating the creator's intent" I like that - this is an important part of art - as such perhaps computer generated art can have value - I in no way understand the math of fractals but the art of fractals communicates to me - order, complexity, and variety - beautiful pattern's - It gives me a small glimpse into the beauty of math and in some very small way the order of the universe - for me it is not understanding - but a feeling and a sense of such things - hum other forms of art do the same thing for me
